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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition

Book Description:
A rigorous mathematical approach to identifying a set of design alternatives and selecting the best candidate from within that set, engineering optimization was developed as a means of helping engineers to design systems that are both more efficient and less expensive and to develop new ways of improving the performance of existing systems. Thanks to the breathtaking growth in computer technology that has occurred over the past decade, optimization techniques can now be used to find creative solutions to larger, more complex problems than ever before. As a consequence, optimization is now viewed as an indispensable tool of the trade for engineers working in many different industries, especially the aerospace, automotive, chemical, electrical, and manufacturing industries.

In Engineering Optimization, Professor Singiresu S. Rao provides an application-oriented presentation of the full array of classical and newly developed optimization techniques now being used by engineers in a wide range of industries. Essential proofs and explanations of the various techniques are given in a straightforward, user-friendly manner, and each method is copiously illustrated with real-world examples that demonstrate how to maximize desired benefits while minimizing negative aspects of project design.

Comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date, Engineering Optimization provides in-depth coverage of linear and nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, and stochastic programming techniques as well as several breakthrough methods, including genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and neural network-based and fuzzy optimization techniques.

Designed to function equally well as either a professional reference or a graduate-level text, Engineering Optimization features many solved problems taken from several engineering fields, as well as review questions, important figures, and helpful references.

An indispensable working resource for practicing engineers

Engineering Optimization

Providing engineers with a rigorous, systematic method for rapidly zeroing in on the most innovative, cost-effective solutions to some of today's most challenging engineering design problems, optimization is a powerful tool of the trade for engineers in virtually every discipline. Now, in his latest book, Engineering Optimization, Singiresu S. Rao provides you with the most practical, up-to-date, and comprehensive coverage of new and classical optimization techniques currently in use throughout a wide range of industries. Designed to serve as both a daily working resource and an excellent graduate-level text, Engineering Optimization gives you:

  • In-depth coverage of linear and nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, and stochastic programming techniques
  • New or recently developed methods, including genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, neural network-based and fuzzy optimization techniques
  • Dozens of real-world design optimization examples taken from a wide range of industries
  • Numerous solved problems and review questions
  • An extensive bibliography

Engineering Optimization is a valuable working resource for engineers employed in practically all technological industries. It is also a superior didactic tool for graduate students of mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical, and aerospace engineering.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

CSharp For Programmers Course Suite - Absolute Beginnerss


1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Course Introduction
1.1.2 Course Prerequisites
1.1.3 Object-oriented Programming
1.1.4 Object-oriented Programming Concepts

1.2 .NET Overview

1.2.1 The .NET Framework
1.2.2 The Common Language Runtime
1.2.3 .NET Framework Class Libraries
1.2.4 Assemblies
1.2.5 .NET Framework Components

2.0 Visual Studio .NET

2.1 Visual Studio .NET Tour

2.1.1 Visual Studio .NET Overview
2.1.2 Launching Visual Studio .NET
2.1.3 Using the Solution Explorer
2.1.4 Using Toolbars
2.1.5 Using the Toolbox
2.1.6 Editing Properties
2.1.7 Editing Code
2.1.8 Getting Help

2.2 Creating Applications

2.2.1 Creating a Project
2.2.2 Compiling and Running Programs
2.2.3 Debugging Programs
2.2.4 Using the Visual Studio Simulator

2.3 Application Types

2.3.1 Application Types
2.3.2 Creating a Windows Application
2.3.3 Creating an ASP.NET Web Application
2.3.4 Application Type Facts

3.0 C# Language

3.1 C# Syntax

3.1.1 C# Overview
3.1.2 Code Format
3.1.3 Basic Program Structure

3.2 Data Types

3.2.1 Value and Reference Types
3.2.2 Reference and Value Type Facts
3.2.3 Value Types
3.2.4 String Variables
3.2.5 Data Type Keywords
3.2.6 Declare Data Types

3.3 Operators and Expressions

3.3.1 C# Operators
3.3.2 Building Expressions
3.3.3 Common C# Operators
3.3.4 Construct Expressions 1
3.3.5 Construct Expressions 2

3.4 Casting

3.4.1 Converting Data Types
3.4.2 Data Conversion Facts
3.4.3 Using the Casting Expression
3.4.4 Convert Data Types
3.4.5 Reference-type Conversions

3.5 Arrays

3.5.1 Defining Arrays
3.5.2 Initializing Arrays
3.5.3 Array Facts
3.5.4 Creating Single-dimensional Arrays
3.5.5 Creating Multi-dimensional Arrays
3.5.6 Create a Single-dimensional Array
3.5.7 Create a Multi-dimensional Array
3.5.8 Jagged Arrays

3.6 Conditional Statements

3.6.1 Conditional Statements
3.6.2 Using If Then
3.6.3 Using Switch
3.6.4 Conditional Statement Facts
3.6.5 Create an If Block
3.6.6 Correct an If Block
3.6.7 Format a Switch Block
3.6.8 Create a Switch Block

3.7 Iteration Structures

3.7.1 Iteration Structures
3.7.2 Using Do While
3.7.3 Using For
3.7.4 Using Foreach
3.7.5 Iteration Statement Facts
3.7.6 Create a Do While Block
3.7.7 Create a For Block
3.7.8 Create a Foreach Block

3.8 XML Documentation

3.8.1 Generating XML Documentation
3.8.2 XML Documentation Facts

4.0 .NET Components

4.1 Windows Controls

4.1.1 Managing Windows Controls
4.1.2 Use the Property Inspector
4.1.3 Set Control Properties
4.1.4 Get and Set Properties

4.2 Events

4.2.1 Defining Event Actions
4.2.2 Handle Events 1
4.2.3 Handle Events 2
4.2.4 Handle Events 3

4.3 Classes and Methods

4.3.1 Calling Methods
4.3.2 Call a Method 1
4.3.3 Call a Method 2

4.4 Manipulating Strings

4.4.1 Strings
4.4.2 Working with Strings
4.4.3 String Facts
4.4.4 The StringBuilder Class
4.4.5 Using the StringBuilder Class
4.4.6 StringBuilder Facts
4.4.7 Use StringBuilder 1
4.4.8 Use StringBuilder 2
4.4.9 Use Escape Sequences
4.4.10 Compare Strings

5.0 Classes and Methods

5.1 Classes and Namespaces

5.1.1 Creating a Class
5.1.2 Creating a Simple Class
5.1.3 Namespaces
5.1.4 Defining a Namespace
5.1.5 Class and Namespace Facts
5.1.6 Create a Namespace and Class

5.2 Methods

5.2.1 Defining a Method
5.2.2 Access Modifiers
5.2.3 Creating Methods
5.2.4 The Main Method
5.2.5 Calling Methods
5.2.6 Passing Parameters
5.2.7 Method Construction
5.2.8 Create a Method 1
5.2.9 Create a Method 2

5.3 Data Members and Properties

5.3.1 Data Members
5.3.2 Creating Data Members
5.3.3 Defining Properties
5.3.4 Using Properties
5.3.5 Data Member and Property Facts
5.3.6 Define a Property
5.3.7 Use Properties

5.4 Method Overloading

5.4.1 Method Overloading
5.4.2 Using Overloaded Methods
5.4.3 Method Overloading Facts
5.4.4 Call an Overloaded Method
5.4.5 Create an Overloaded Method

5.5 Static Members

5.5.1 Static Data Members
5.5.2 Static Methods
5.5.3 Creating Static Members
5.5.4 Static Member Facts
5.5.5 Create Static Members

5.6 Constructors

5.6.1 Constructors
5.6.2 Default Constructor
5.6.3 Creating a Constructor
5.6.4 Overloading Constructors
5.6.5 Constructor Facts
5.6.6 Create a Constructor
5.6.7 Overload a Constructor

6.0 Inheritance

6.1 Inheritance Concepts

6.1.1 Polymorphism and Inheritance
6.1.2 Inheritance Concepts
6.1.3 Inheritance Facts

6.2 Using Inheritance

6.2.1 Basic Syntax
6.2.2 Creating a Derived Class
6.2.3 Using Access Modifiers
6.2.4 Constructors and Inheritance
6.2.5 Inheritance Syntax
6.2.6 Create an Inherited Class

6.3 Advanced Inheritance

6.3.1 Virtual Methods
6.3.2 Creating Virtual Methods
6.3.3 Sealing a Class
6.3.4 Abstract Classes
6.3.5 Creating an Abstract Class
6.3.6 Customizing Inheritance Facts
6.3.7 Define a Virtual Method
6.3.8 Use a Virtual Method
6.3.9 Seal a Class
6.3.10 Create an Abstract Class

7.0 Interfaces

7.1 Interfaces

7.1.1 Interface Concepts
7.1.2 Implementing an Interface
7.1.3 Classes, Abstract Classes, and Interfaces
7.1.4 Classes, Abstract Classes, and Interfaces Comparison
7.1.5 Interface Facts
7.1.6 Define an Interface
7.1.7 Interfaces and Inheritance

8.0 Delegates and Events

8.1 Delegates

8.1.1 Delegates
8.1.2 Creating a Simple Delegate
8.1.3 Creating a Multicast Delegate
8.1.4 Delegate Facts
8.1.5 Using Delegates

8.2 Events

8.2.1 Delegates and Events
8.2.2 Registering Events
8.2.3 Event Facts

9.0 Enumerations and Structures

9.1 Enumerations

9.1.1 Custom Value Types
9.1.2 Enumerations
9.1.3 Creating Enums
9.1.4 Using Enums as Parameter Types
9.1.5 Enum Facts
9.1.6 Create an Enum
9.1.7 Use Built-in Enums
9.1.8 Use Enum Methods

9.2 Structures

9.2.1 Structures
9.2.2 Creating a Struct
9.2.3 Struct Facts
9.2.4 Define a Struct 1
9.2.5 Define a Struct 2

10.0 Exception Handling

10.1 Handling Exceptions

10.1.1 Exception Classes
10.1.2 Handling Exceptions
10.1.3 Built-in Exceptions
10.1.4 Exception Facts
10.1.5 Handle Exceptions 1
10.1.6 Handle Exceptions 2
10.1.7 Handle Exceptions 3

10.2 Custom Exceptions

10.2.1 Throwing Exceptions
10.2.2 Thowing an Exception
10.2.3 Custom Exceptions
10.2.4 Creating Custom Exceptions
10.2.5 Custom Exception Facts
10.2.6 Throw Exceptions
10.2.7 Define a Custom Exception

11.0 Advanced Topics

11.1 Collections

11.1.1 Collections
11.1.2 ArrayLists
11.1.3 Foreach
11.1.4 Creating an ArrayList
11.1.5 ArrayList Facts
11.1.6 Use a Collection
11.1.7 Queue Facts
11.1.8 Stack Facts
11.1.9 Hashtable Facts

11.2 Streaming and I/O

11.2.1 Streams
11.2.2 Streaming Facts
11.2.3 Reading and Writing Text Files
11.2.4 Text Files and Data Sources
11.2.5 Managing Files
11.2.6 System.IO.File Classes
11.2.7 Managing Files and Directories

11.3 Attributes

11.3.1 Reflection and Attributes
11.3.2 Using Intrinsic Attributes
11.3.3 Attribute Facts
11.3.4 Use Attributes

11.4 Operator Overloading

11.4.1 Operator Overloading
11.4.2 Overloading an Operator
11.4.3 Operator Overloading Facts

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Sun Certified Java Programmer - Video Tutorials - Absolute Beginners

CBT Nugget Java SCJP Certification Package

Java is so cool. Imagine being able to compile one piece of code and have it run on nearly any operating system, from Windows and Macintosh to Linux, Unix and the Internet. It’s widely used and universally accepted as the preferred programming language of the Internet, but it is also a great development platform for business applications, video games and to even create software for mobile devices.
This course will teach you beginning through advanced Java programming skills while preparing you for Sun exam CX-310-035. Instructor Robert Barr introduces you to the Java language fundamentals and, by the end of the training, has you building GUI and web-based applications that can link to databases. Robert calls on his nearly ten years of Java programming experience to pass along helpful tips, tricks and real-world examples.
A basic understanding of computers and programming is recommended before viewing these videos. The training contains 29 videos providing more than 15 hours of instruction.


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