Book Description: In Engineering Optimization, Professor Singiresu S. Rao provides an application-oriented presentation of the full array of classical and newly developed optimization techniques now being used by engineers in a wide range of industries. Essential proofs and explanations of the various techniques are given in a straightforward, user-friendly manner, and each method is copiously illustrated with real-world examples that demonstrate how to maximize desired benefits while minimizing negative aspects of project design. Comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date, Engineering Optimization provides in-depth coverage of linear and nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, and stochastic programming techniques as well as several breakthrough methods, including genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and neural network-based and fuzzy optimization techniques. Designed to function equally well as either a professional reference or a graduate-level text, Engineering Optimization features many solved problems taken from several engineering fields, as well as review questions, important figures, and helpful references. An indispensable working resource for practicing engineers Engineering Optimization Providing engineers with a rigorous, systematic method for rapidly zeroing in on the most innovative, cost-effective solutions to some of today's most challenging engineering design problems, optimization is a powerful tool of the trade for engineers in virtually every discipline. Now, in his latest book, Engineering Optimization, Singiresu S. Rao provides you with the most practical, up-to-date, and comprehensive coverage of new and classical optimization techniques currently in use throughout a wide range of industries. Designed to serve as both a daily working resource and an excellent graduate-level text, Engineering Optimization gives you: Engineering Optimization is a valuable working resource for engineers employed in practically all technological industries. It is also a superior didactic tool for graduate students of mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical, and aerospace engineering. Links:
A rigorous mathematical approach to identifying a set of design alternatives and selecting the best candidate from within that set, engineering optimization was developed as a means of helping engineers to design systems that are both more efficient and less expensive and to develop new ways of improving the performance of existing systems. Thanks to the breathtaking growth in computer technology that has occurred over the past decade, optimization techniques can now be used to find creative solutions to larger, more complex problems than ever before. As a consequence, optimization is now viewed as an indispensable tool of the trade for engineers working in many different industries, especially the aerospace, automotive, chemical, electrical, and manufacturing industries.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition
Posted by Palli at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Civil/Construction, Electrical and Electronics, Mechanical Engineering
Saturday, August 22, 2009
CSharp For Programmers Course Suite - Absolute Beginnerss
Contents: 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Course Introduction 1.2 .NET Overview 1.2.1 The .NET Framework 2.1 Visual Studio .NET Tour 2.1.1 Visual Studio .NET Overview 2.2 Creating Applications 2.2.1 Creating a Project 2.3 Application Types 2.3.1 Application Types 3.0 C# Language 3.1 C# Syntax 3.1.1 C# Overview 3.2 Data Types 3.2.1 Value and Reference Types 3.3 Operators and Expressions 3.3.1 C# Operators 3.4 Casting 3.4.1 Converting Data Types 3.5 Arrays 3.5.1 Defining Arrays 3.6 Conditional Statements 3.6.1 Conditional Statements 3.7 Iteration Structures 3.7.1 Iteration Structures 3.8 XML Documentation 3.8.1 Generating XML Documentation 4.0 .NET Components 4.1 Windows Controls 4.1.1 Managing Windows Controls 4.2 Events 4.2.1 Defining Event Actions 4.3 Classes and Methods 4.3.1 Calling Methods 4.4 Manipulating Strings 4.4.1 Strings 5.0 Classes and Methods 5.1 Classes and Namespaces 5.1.1 Creating a Class 5.2 Methods 5.2.1 Defining a Method 5.3 Data Members and Properties 5.3.1 Data Members 5.4 Method Overloading 5.4.1 Method Overloading 5.5 Static Members 5.5.1 Static Data Members 5.6 Constructors 5.6.1 Constructors 6.0 Inheritance 6.1 Inheritance Concepts 6.1.1 Polymorphism and Inheritance 6.2 Using Inheritance 6.2.1 Basic Syntax 6.3 Advanced Inheritance 6.3.1 Virtual Methods 7.0 Interfaces 7.1 Interfaces 7.1.1 Interface Concepts 8.0 Delegates and Events 8.1 Delegates 8.1.1 Delegates 8.2 Events 8.2.1 Delegates and Events 9.0 Enumerations and Structures 9.1 Enumerations 9.1.1 Custom Value Types 9.2 Structures 9.2.1 Structures 10.0 Exception Handling 10.1 Handling Exceptions 10.1.1 Exception Classes 10.2 Custom Exceptions 10.2.1 Throwing Exceptions 11.0 Advanced Topics 11.1 Collections 11.1.1 Collections 11.2 Streaming and I/O 11.2.1 Streams 11.3 Attributes 11.3.1 Reflection and Attributes 11.4 Operator Overloading 11.4.1 Operator Overloading
1.1.2 Course Prerequisites
1.1.3 Object-oriented Programming
1.1.4 Object-oriented Programming Concepts
1.2.2 The Common Language Runtime
1.2.3 .NET Framework Class Libraries
1.2.4 Assemblies
1.2.5 .NET Framework Components
2.0 Visual Studio .NET
2.1.2 Launching Visual Studio .NET
2.1.3 Using the Solution Explorer
2.1.4 Using Toolbars
2.1.5 Using the Toolbox
2.1.6 Editing Properties
2.1.7 Editing Code
2.1.8 Getting Help
2.2.2 Compiling and Running Programs
2.2.3 Debugging Programs
2.2.4 Using the Visual Studio Simulator
2.3.2 Creating a Windows Application
2.3.3 Creating an ASP.NET Web Application
2.3.4 Application Type Facts
3.1.2 Code Format
3.1.3 Basic Program Structure
3.2.2 Reference and Value Type Facts
3.2.3 Value Types
3.2.4 String Variables
3.2.5 Data Type Keywords
3.2.6 Declare Data Types
3.3.2 Building Expressions
3.3.3 Common C# Operators
3.3.4 Construct Expressions 1
3.3.5 Construct Expressions 2
3.4.2 Data Conversion Facts
3.4.3 Using the Casting Expression
3.4.4 Convert Data Types
3.4.5 Reference-type Conversions
3.5.2 Initializing Arrays
3.5.3 Array Facts
3.5.4 Creating Single-dimensional Arrays
3.5.5 Creating Multi-dimensional Arrays
3.5.6 Create a Single-dimensional Array
3.5.7 Create a Multi-dimensional Array
3.5.8 Jagged Arrays
3.6.2 Using If Then
3.6.3 Using Switch
3.6.4 Conditional Statement Facts
3.6.5 Create an If Block
3.6.6 Correct an If Block
3.6.7 Format a Switch Block
3.6.8 Create a Switch Block
3.7.2 Using Do While
3.7.3 Using For
3.7.4 Using Foreach
3.7.5 Iteration Statement Facts
3.7.6 Create a Do While Block
3.7.7 Create a For Block
3.7.8 Create a Foreach Block
3.8.2 XML Documentation Facts
4.1.2 Use the Property Inspector
4.1.3 Set Control Properties
4.1.4 Get and Set Properties
4.2.2 Handle Events 1
4.2.3 Handle Events 2
4.2.4 Handle Events 3
4.3.2 Call a Method 1
4.3.3 Call a Method 2
4.4.2 Working with Strings
4.4.3 String Facts
4.4.4 The StringBuilder Class
4.4.5 Using the StringBuilder Class
4.4.6 StringBuilder Facts
4.4.7 Use StringBuilder 1
4.4.8 Use StringBuilder 2
4.4.9 Use Escape Sequences
4.4.10 Compare Strings
5.1.2 Creating a Simple Class
5.1.3 Namespaces
5.1.4 Defining a Namespace
5.1.5 Class and Namespace Facts
5.1.6 Create a Namespace and Class
5.2.2 Access Modifiers
5.2.3 Creating Methods
5.2.4 The Main Method
5.2.5 Calling Methods
5.2.6 Passing Parameters
5.2.7 Method Construction
5.2.8 Create a Method 1
5.2.9 Create a Method 2
5.3.2 Creating Data Members
5.3.3 Defining Properties
5.3.4 Using Properties
5.3.5 Data Member and Property Facts
5.3.6 Define a Property
5.3.7 Use Properties
5.4.2 Using Overloaded Methods
5.4.3 Method Overloading Facts
5.4.4 Call an Overloaded Method
5.4.5 Create an Overloaded Method
5.5.2 Static Methods
5.5.3 Creating Static Members
5.5.4 Static Member Facts
5.5.5 Create Static Members
5.6.2 Default Constructor
5.6.3 Creating a Constructor
5.6.4 Overloading Constructors
5.6.5 Constructor Facts
5.6.6 Create a Constructor
5.6.7 Overload a Constructor
6.1.2 Inheritance Concepts
6.1.3 Inheritance Facts
6.2.2 Creating a Derived Class
6.2.3 Using Access Modifiers
6.2.4 Constructors and Inheritance
6.2.5 Inheritance Syntax
6.2.6 Create an Inherited Class
6.3.2 Creating Virtual Methods
6.3.3 Sealing a Class
6.3.4 Abstract Classes
6.3.5 Creating an Abstract Class
6.3.6 Customizing Inheritance Facts
6.3.7 Define a Virtual Method
6.3.8 Use a Virtual Method
6.3.9 Seal a Class
6.3.10 Create an Abstract Class
7.1.2 Implementing an Interface
7.1.3 Classes, Abstract Classes, and Interfaces
7.1.4 Classes, Abstract Classes, and Interfaces Comparison
7.1.5 Interface Facts
7.1.6 Define an Interface
7.1.7 Interfaces and Inheritance
8.1.2 Creating a Simple Delegate
8.1.3 Creating a Multicast Delegate
8.1.4 Delegate Facts
8.1.5 Using Delegates
8.2.2 Registering Events
8.2.3 Event Facts
9.1.2 Enumerations
9.1.3 Creating Enums
9.1.4 Using Enums as Parameter Types
9.1.5 Enum Facts
9.1.6 Create an Enum
9.1.7 Use Built-in Enums
9.1.8 Use Enum Methods
9.2.2 Creating a Struct
9.2.3 Struct Facts
9.2.4 Define a Struct 1
9.2.5 Define a Struct 2
10.1.2 Handling Exceptions
10.1.3 Built-in Exceptions
10.1.4 Exception Facts
10.1.5 Handle Exceptions 1
10.1.6 Handle Exceptions 2
10.1.7 Handle Exceptions 3
10.2.2 Thowing an Exception
10.2.3 Custom Exceptions
10.2.4 Creating Custom Exceptions
10.2.5 Custom Exception Facts
10.2.6 Throw Exceptions
10.2.7 Define a Custom Exception
11.1.2 ArrayLists
11.1.3 Foreach
11.1.4 Creating an ArrayList
11.1.5 ArrayList Facts
11.1.6 Use a Collection
11.1.7 Queue Facts
11.1.8 Stack Facts
11.1.9 Hashtable Facts
11.2.2 Streaming Facts
11.2.3 Reading and Writing Text Files
11.2.4 Text Files and Data Sources
11.2.5 Managing Files
11.2.6 System.IO.File Classes
11.2.7 Managing Files and Directories
11.3.2 Using Intrinsic Attributes
11.3.3 Attribute Facts
11.3.4 Use Attributes
11.4.2 Overloading an Operator
11.4.3 Operator Overloading Facts
download links:
Posted by Palli at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: .net, C#, Computers/IT
Sun Certified Java Programmer - Video Tutorials - Absolute Beginners
CBT Nugget Java SCJP Certification Package Links:
This course will teach you beginning through advanced Java programming skills while preparing you for Sun exam CX-310-035. Instructor Robert Barr introduces you to the Java language fundamentals and, by the end of the training, has you building GUI and web-based applications that can link to databases. Robert calls on his nearly ten years of Java programming experience to pass along helpful tips, tricks and real-world examples.
A basic understanding of computers and programming is recommended before viewing these videos. The training contains 29 videos providing more than 15 hours of instruction.
Posted by Palli at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Computers/IT, Java
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4: Fundamentals, Data Structure, Sorting, Searching (3rd Edition) - Robert Sedgewick
Product Description:
Robert Sedgewick has thoroughly rewritten and substantially expanded andupdated his popular work to provide current and comprehensive coverage ofimportant algorithms and data structures. Christopher Van Wyk and Sedgewickhave developed new C++ implementations that both express the methods in aconcise and direct manner, and also provide programmers with the practicalmeans to test them on real applications. Many new algorithms are presented, and the explanations of each algorithmare much more detailed than in previous editions. A new text design anddetailed, innovative figures, with accompanying commentary, greatly enhancethe presentation. The third edition retains the successful blend of theory andpractice that has made Sedgewick's work an invaluable resource for more than250,000 programmers! This particular book, Parts 1-4, represents the essential first half of Sedgewick'scomplete work. It provides extensive coverage of fundamental data structuresand algorithms for sorting, searching, and related applications. Although thesubstance of the book applies to programming in any language, theimplementations by Van Wyk and Sedgewick also exploit the natural matchbetween C++ classes and ADT implementations. Highlights
Expanded coverage of arrays, linked lists, strings, trees, and other basic
data structures Greater emphasis on abstract data types (ADTs), modular programming, object-oriented programming, and C++ classes than in previous editions
Over 100 algorithms for sorting, selection, priority queue ADT implementations, and symbol table ADT (searching) implementations.
New implementations of binomial queues, multiway radix sorting, randomized BSTs, splay trees, skip lists, multiway tries, B trees, extendible hashing, and much more Increased quantitative information about the algorithms, giving you a basis for comparing them Over 1000 new exercises to help you learn the properties of algorithms Whether you are learning the algorithms for the first time or wish to have up-to-date reference material that incorporates new programming styles with classic and new algorithms, you will find a wealth of useful information in this book.
password: happynewyear_2009
Posted by Palli at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, C++, Computers/IT
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Electrical Power Equipment Maintenance and Testing, Second Edition (Power Engineering)
Containing references, equations, and photographs including numerous tables and test connection diagrams, this valuable resource is useful for:
electrical and electronics
power and energy engineers and technicians
maintenance and operational personnel at electrical facilities
plant managers and electrical utility personnel
technical personnel from electrical consulting and construction firms, manufacturing companies, electrical trade associations, and electrical testing companiesand graduate-level students in these disciplines.Table of ContentsThe second edition of a bestseller, this definitive text covers all aspects of testing and maintenance of the equipment found in electrical power systems serving industrial, commercial, utility substations, and generating plants. It addresses practical aspects of routing testing and maintenance and presents both the methodologies and engineering basics needed to carry out these tasks. It is an essential reference for engineers and technicians responsible for the operation, maintenance, and testing of power system equipment. Comprehensive coverage includes dielectric theory, dissolved gas analysis, cable fault locating, ground resistance measurements, and power factor, dissipation factor, DC, breaker, and relay testing methods.
Maintenance Strategies, Dielectric Theory, Insulating Materials, Failure Modes, and Maintenance Impact on Arc-Flash Hazards
Why Maintain and Test
Overview of Electrical Maintenance and Testing Strategies
Planning an EPM Program
Overview of Testing and Test Methods
Review of Dielectric Theory and Practice
Insulating Materials for Electrical Power Equipment
Causes of Insulation Degradation and Failure Modes of Electrical Equipment
Maintenance of Protective Devices and their Impact on Arc-Flash Hazard Analysis
Direct-Current Voltage Testing of Electrical Equipment
DC Voltage Testing of Insulation
DC Testing Methods
Cables and Accessories
Electrical Switchgear and Circuit Breakers
Motors and Generators
Lightning Arresters
Evaluation of Test Data Readings
Precautions when Making DC Tests
Power Factor and Dissipation Factor Testing Methods
PF and DF Test Methods
Description of the PF Test Equipment
Basic Test Connections (Test Modes) for PF Testing
Safety Cautions with PF Testing
PF Testing of Electrical Apparatus Insulation
Evaluation and Grading of PF and DF Test Results
Insulating Oils, Fluids, and Gases
Insulating Oil
Less Flammable Insulating Fluids
Insulating Liquid Sampling Procedures
Maintenance and Reconditioning of Insulating Oil and Fluids
Insulating Gases
Transformer Categories and Type
Application and Use
Transformer Fundamentals
Transformer Polarity, Terminal Markings, and Connections
Transformer Characteristics
Preventive Maintenance of Transformers
Transformer Testing
Online Condition Monitoring of Transformers
Online Monitoring of Bushings and Lightning Arrestors
Cables and Accessories
Cable Construction and Classification
Cable Characteristics
Electrical Constants
Cable Ratings
Cable Selection and Application
Installation of Cables
Maintenance of Cables
Cable Failures and Their Analysis
Field Testing of Medium-Voltage Cables
Latest Trends in Cable Condition Monitoring and Aging Assessment
Cable Fault Locating Methods
Medium-Voltage Switchgear and Circuit Breakers
Medium-Voltage Switchgear
Electrical Switchgear Maintenance and Care
Electrical Switchgear Testing
Control Power for Switchgear
DC (Battery) Control Power Equipment
AC Control Power Equipment
Maintenance and Care of Batteries for
Switchgear Applications
Low-Voltage Switchgear and Circuit Breakers
Low-Voltage Switchgear
Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers
Overcurrent Protective Devices
Disconnect Switches
Selection and Application of Low-Voltage Equipment
Low-Voltage Switchgear Maintenance and Care
Maintenance and Testing of Low-Voltage Protective Devices
Uninterruptible Power Supply Commissioning and Testing
Infrared Inspection of Electrical Equipment
Testing and Commissioning of Protective Relays and Instrument Transformers
Instrument Transformers
Protective Relays
Relay Application and Principles
Types of Relay Tests
Testing and Maintenance of Electromechanical Protective Relays
Testing and Commissioning of Static and Digital Relays
Event Reporting
Motors and Generators
NEMA Classifi cation of Motors and Generators
Applications of Motors and Generators
AC Motors
AC Generators
DC Motors
DC Generators
Motor and Generator Insulation Systems
Motor and Generator Maintenance
Predictive Maintenance Guide on Motors and Variable Frequency Drives
Testing of Motors and Generators
Other Insulation Test Methods
Vibration Analysis
Electrical Power System Grounding and Ground Resistance Measurements
Selection of Grounding Method
Selection of Grounding System
Understanding Ground Resistance
Ground Resistance Values
Ground Resistance Measurements
Ground Grid Integrity Measurements
Power Quality, Harmonics, and Predictive Maintenance
PQ Concept and Fundamentals
Origins of PQ Problems and Harmonics
Characteristics of Typical Linear and Nonlinear Loads
Effects of Harmonic on Power System Equipment and Loads
Predictive Maintenance and PQ Measurements
PQ Solution and Power Treatment Devices
Electrical Safety, Arc-Flash Hazard, Switching Practices, and Precautions
Industry Standards and Regulatory Requirements for Safety
Arc-Flash Hazard and Regulatory Requirements
Electrical Safety Practices and Precautions
Electrical Switching Practices and Precautions
Electrical Fire Emergencies
Effects of Electrical Shock
First Aid
Appendix A
Appendix B
Posted by Palli at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Electric Power, Electrical and Electronics, Power Systems
Automotive Engines: Control, Estimation, Statistical Detection
Increasing demands on the output performance, exhaust emissions, and fuel consumption necessitate the development of a new generation of automotive engine functionality. This monograph is written by a long year developmental automotive engineer and offers a wide coverage of automotive engine control and estimation problems and its solutions. It addresses idle speed control, cylinder flow estimation, engine torque and friction estimation, engine misfire and CAM profile switching diagnostics, as well as engine knock detection. The book provides a wide and well structured collection of tools and new techniques useful for automotive engine control and estimation problems such as input estimation, composite adaptation, threshold detection adaptation, real-time algorithms, as well as the very important statistical techniques. It demonstrates the statistical detection of engine problems such as misfire or knock events and how it can be used to build a new generation of robust engine functionality. This book will be useful for practising automotive engineers, black belts working in the automotive industry as well as for lecturers and students since it provides a wide coverage of engine control and estimation problems, detailed and well structured descriptions of useful techniques in automotive applications and future trends and challenges in engine functionality.
Posted by Palli at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Mechanical Engineering
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Exploring C++: The Programmer’s Introduction to C++ - Ray Lischner
Product Description:
Exploring C++ uses a series of self–directed lessons to divide C++ into bite–sized chunks that you can digest as rapidly as you can swallow them. The book assumes only a basic understanding of fundamental programming concepts (variables, functions, expressions, statements) and requires no prior knowledge of C or any other particular language. It reduces the usually considerable complexity of C++.
The included lessons allow you to learn by doing, as a participant of an interactive education session. You’ll master each step in a one sitting before you proceed to the next. Author Ray Lischner has designed questions to promote learning new material. And by responding to questions throughout the text, youll be engaged every step of the way.
Posted by Palli at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, C++, Computers/IT
Placement Preparation - Parthasarathy.S
About the Book:
This book is meant for students who are trying to find the best means of successfully passing through the highly technical selection process in the Information Technology Industry. The industry is thriving now and its usual recruitment procedure is to some extent difficult though somewhat standardized. It involves the following stages :
Aptitude Test ® Technical Test ® Technical Interview ® Personal Interview
Group Discussion may form one of the steps in the interview process. The technical sessions are predictably tough and so aspirants might be happy for some informative and formalized help available to face them. This book is for these aspirants.
Eleven of the twelve chapters of the book contain short questions and answers on C Programming, C++ Programming, Data Structure Algorithms, DBMS, RDBMS, DDBMS, Software Engineering, Software Quality, Software Testing, Operating System, Computer Applications, Java Programming and Computer Networks.
The twelfth chapter contains objective-type questions on the various topics discussed earlier. This will help the user to test himself after mastering the earlier chapters. This is not a book projecting original ideas but a compilation of structured information relevant to any student planning to enter the field of Information Technology in the private sector or in the public sector undertakings.
Posted by Palli at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Entrance Exams, Placement and Jobs
Telecommunication Switching and Networks - Gnanasivam. P
This book,Telecommunication Switching and Networks, is intended to serve as a textbook for undergraduate course of information technology, electronics and communication engineering, and telecommunication engineering. Telecommunication switching is fastgrowing field and enormous research and development are undertaken by various organisations and firms. This book provides an in-depth knowledge on telecommunication switching and a good background for advanced studies in communication networks. For best understanding, more diagrams (202), tables (35) and related websites, which provide sufficient information have been added.
Introduction to Switching SystemsTelecommunication StandardsTelephone and Transmission SystemsEvaluation of Telecommunication Switching SystemDigital Switching SystemsComputer Controlled Switching SystemsSignalling TechniquesTraffic EngineeringTelephone Network OrganisationTransmission NetworksData NetworksISDN.
Posted by Palli at 5:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, electronics and communication
Peer-to-Peer Computing for Mobile Networks: Information Discovery and Dissemination
Product Description:
Wireless devices are becoming smaller, more user-friendly and more pervasive. Peer-to-Peer Computing for Mobile Networks: Information Discovery and Dissemination discusses research results on data dissemination in mobile networks and peer-to-peer systems for mobile devices.
An important research challenge within this book is to accelerate the data availability and enhance the dissemination and discovery of information when mobile hosts face changes in the availability of bandwidth and loss of connectivity to the Internet. The main focus of this bookis a novel resource-sharing mechanism for mobile devices, which introduces a new paradigm of information-sharing cooperation among mobile devices not necessarily connected to the internet.
Peer-to-Peer Computing for Mobile Networks: Information Discovery and Dissemination is designed for researchers and practitioners in industry. The book is also suitable for advanced-level students in computer science and electrical engineering.
Posted by Palli at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computers/IT
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Strength of Materials - N. M. Belyaev
Part I. Introduction. Tension and Compression.
Chapter 1. Introduction.
Chapter 2. Stress and Strain in Tension and Compression Within the Elastic Limit. Selection of Cross-sectional Area.
Chapter 3. Experimental Study of Tension and Compression in Various Materials and the Basis of Selecting the Permissible Stresses.
Part II. Complicated Cases of Tension and Compression.
Chapter 4. Design of Statically Indeterminate Systems form Permissible Stresses.
Chapter 5. Account for Dead Weight in Tension and Compression. Design of Flexible Strings.
Chapter 6. Compound Stressed State. Stress and Strain.
Chapter 7. Strength of Materials in Compound Stress.
Part III. Shear and Torsion
Chapter 8. Torsion. Strength and Rigidity of Twisted Bars.
Chapter 9. Torsion. Strength and Rigidity of Twisted Bars.
Part IV. Beading. Strength of Beams.
Chapter 10. Internal Forces in Bending. Shearing-force and Bending-moment Diagrams.
Chapter 11. Determination of Normal Stresses in Bending and Strength of Beams.
Chapter 12. Determination of Moments f Inertia of Plane Figures.
Chapter 13. Shearing and Principal Stresses in Beams.
Chapter 14. Shear Centre. Composite Beams.
Part V. Deformation of Beams due to Bending.
Chapter 15. Analytical Method of Determining Deformations.
Chapter 16. Graph-analytic Method of Calculating Displacement in Bending.
Chapter 17. Non-uniform Beams.
Part VI. Potential Energy. Statically Indeterminate Beams.
Chapter 18. Application of the Concept of Potential Energy in Determining Displacements.
Chapter 19. Statically Indeterminate Beams.
Part VII. Resistance Under Compound Loading.
Chapter 20. Unsymmetric Bending.
Chapter 21. Combined Bending and Tension or Compression.
Chapter 22. Combined Bending and Torsion.
Chapter 23. General Compound Loading.
Chapter 24. Curved Bars.
Chapter 25. Thick-walled and Thin-walled Vessels.
Chapter 26. Design for Permissible Loads. Design for Limiting State.
Part VIII Stability of Elements of Structures.
Chapter 27. Stability of Bars Under Compression.
Chapter 28. More Complicated Questions of Stability in Elements of Structures.
Part IX. Dynamic Action of Forces.
Chapter 29. Effect of Forces of Inertia. Stresses due to Vibrations.
Chapter 30. Stresses Under Impact Loading.
Chapter 31. Strength Check of Materials Under Variable Loading.Chapter 32. Fundamentals of Creep Analysis.
Posted by Palli at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Civil/Construction, Mechanical Engineering
Noise and Signal Interference in Optical Fiber Transmission Systems: An Optimum Design Approach - Stefano Bottacchi
A comprehensive reference to noise and signal interference in optical fiber communications.
Noise and Signal Interference in Optical Fiber Transmission Systems is a compendium on specific topics within optical fiber transmission and the optimization process of the system design. It offers comprehensive treatment of noise and intersymbol interference (ISI) components affecting optical fiber communications systems, containing coverage on noise from the light source, the fiber and the receiver. The ISI is modeled with a statistical approach, leading to new useful computational methods. The author discusses the subject with the help of numerous applications and simulations of noise and signal interference theory.
Key features:
Complete all-in-one reference on the subject for engineers and designers of optical fiber transmission systems
Discusses the physical principles behind several noise contributions encountered in the optical communications systems design, including contributions from the light source, the fiber and the receiver
Covers the theory of the ISI for the binary signal, as well as noise statistics
Discusses the theory and the mathematical models of the numerous noise components (such as optical noise, photodetection noise and reflection noise)
Introduces the frequency description of the ISI and provides new calculation methods based on the characteristic functions
Provides useful tools and examples for optimum design of optical fiber transmission networks and systems.
This book will serve as a comprehensive reference for researchers, R&D engineers, developers and designers working on optical transmission systems and optical communications. Advanced students in optical communications and related fields will also find this book useful.
Posted by Palli at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, electronics and communication
Friday, February 6, 2009
Mechanical Engineer’s Handbook - Dan B. Marghitu
The Mechanical Engineer’s Handbook was developed and written specifically to fill a need for mechanical engineers and mechanical engineering students throughout the world. With over 1000 pages, 550 illustrations, and 26 tables the Mechanical Engineer’s Handbook is very comprehensive, yet affordable, compact, and durable. The Handbook covers all major areas of mechanical engineering with succinct coverage of the definitions, formulas, examples, theory, proofs, and explanations of all principle subject areas. The Handbook is an essential, practical companion for all mechanical engineering students with core coverage of nearly all relevant courses included. Also, anyone preparing for the engineering licensing examinations will find this handbook to be an invaluable aid. Useful analytical techniques provide the student and practicing engineer with powerful tools for mechanical design.
This book is designed to be a portable reference with a depth of coverage not found in “pocketbooks” of formulas and definitions and without the verbosity, high price, and excessive size of the huge encyclopedic handbooks. If an engineer needs a quick reference for a wide array of information, yet does not have a full library of textbooks or does not want to spend the extra time and effort necessary to search and carry a six pound handbook, this book is for them.
* Covers all major areas of mechanical engineering with succinct coverage of the definitions, formulae, examples, theory, proofs and explanations of all principle subject areas
* Boasts over 1000 pages, 550 illustrations, and 26 tables
* Is comprehensive, yet affordable, compact, and durable with strong ‘flexible’ binding
* Possesses a true handbook ‘feel’ in size and design with a full colour cover, thumb index, cross-references and useful printed endpapers.
Posted by Palli at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Mechanical Engineering
Steel Heat Treatment: Metallurgy and Technologies - George E. Totten
One of two self-contained volumes belonging to the newly revised Steel Heat Treatment Handbook, Second Edition, this book examines the behavior and processes involved in modern steel heat treatment applications. Steel Heat Treatment: Metallurgy and Technologies presents the principles that form the basis of heat treatment processes while incorporating detailed descriptions of advances emerging since the 1997 publication of the first edition. Revised, updated, and expanded, this book ensures up-to-date and thorough discussions of how specific heat treatment processes and different alloy elements affect the structure and the classification and mechanisms of steel transformation, distortion of properties of steel alloys. The book includes entirely new chapters on heat-treated components, and the treatment of tool steels, stainless steels, and powder metallurgy steel components. Steel Heat Treatment: Metallurgy and Technologies provides a focused resource for everyday use by advanced students and practitioners in metallurgy, process design, heat treatment, and mechanical and materials engineering.
Posted by Palli at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy
Handbook of Thermal Engineering
To be successful in the international marketplace, corporations must have access to the latest developments and most recent experimental data. Traditional handbooks of heat transfer stress fundamental principles, analytical approaches to thermal problems, and elegant solutions to classical problems.
The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering is not a traditional handbook. Engineers in industry need up-to-date, accessible information on the applications of heat and mass transfer-The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering provides it.
Peer reviewed articles-selected on the basis of their current relevance to the development of new products-provide in-depth treatment of applications in diverse fields, such as:
Energy conservation
Food processing
Measurement techniques in fluid flow and heat transfer
You'll find complete, up-to-date information on the latest developments in the field, including:
Recent advances in thermal sciences
Microthermal design
Compact heat exchangers
Thermal optimization
Exergy analysis
A unique, one-stop resource for all your thermal engineering questions From the basics of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat and mass transfer, to comprehensive treatment of current applications, the latest computational tools, to data tables for the properties of gases, liquids, and solids, The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering has it all!
Posted by Palli at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Mechanical Engineering, Thermal Engineering
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Antennas - John Daniel Kraus
This text is for the course on antennas offered to the senior/graduate level by most electrical engineering departments. It will also appeal to practicing engineers working on antenna development. The text explains both the basic theory of antennas and its application to practical designs. It provides comprehensive coverage and is replete with interesting worked examples and challenging problem sets. The revision represents a thorough updating of material and now includes BASIC programs which can be used for antenna design and computational techniques.
DOWNLOAD: Book- Link1 / Link2
Solution Manual - Link / Password:borjijiji
Posted by Palli at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Antennas, Books, electronics and communication
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Neural Networks: A Systematic Introduction
Neural networks are a computing paradigm that is finding increasing attention among computer scientists. In this book, theoretical laws and models previously scattered in the literature are brought together into a general theory of artificial neural nets. Always with a view to biology and starting with the simplest nets, it is shown how the properties of models change when more general computing elements and net topologies are introduced. Each chapter contains examples, numerous illustrations, and a bibliography. The book is aimed at readers who seek an overview of the field or who wish to deepen their knowledge. It is suitable as a basis for university courses in neurocomputing.
DOWNLOAD: Link1 / Link2
Posted by Palli at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Electrical and Electronics, electronics and communication, Neural Networks
Peterson's Ultimate GMAT Tool Kit
Peterson’s Ultimate GMAT Tool Kit offers the ultimate in preparation for the student who wants the top-of-the-line features no other book can match. In addition to the printed book, Peterson’s Ultimate GMAT Tool Kit includes the following test-prep tools: essay scoring and feedback, one-to-one math tutoring online, and a CD with 3 computer-adaptive GMAT practice tests. The book itself contains complete preparation for the GMAT, including an essay-writing guide, a detailed review of subject areas, practice questions, test-taking strategies, and practice tests. Included are both intermediate and advanced learning and practice, allowing students to customize their study plan to meet their individual needs based on the results of their diagnostic test. Everything about this book makes clear this is a top-of-the-line product unlike anything that has previously been sold in bookstores. Peterson’s Ultimate GMAT Tool Kit is not a revision of an old book, but a completely new product designed for the serious GMAT student who wants it all.
DOWNLOAD: Link1 / Link2
Posted by Palli at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Entrance Exams, Placement and Jobs
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Writing Skills for the GRE & GMAT
Description: The book provided valuable pointers for planning, outlining, and writing my essays. I used the book in conjunction with a printout of the essay topic pools from the ETS website. As the author states, these current essay topics for both the Issue and Argument essays are vital tools for practicing both essays. Planning the Issue Essay, for example, included: five minutes for brainstorming and outlining; 30 minutes for composing; and 10 minutes for review. It was the brainstorm and outline planning I found particularly helpful for both essays. For the Argument essay, outlining advice included quickly listing the evidence presented and then analyzing it. For outlining the Issue essay, the author suggests using a pro-versus-con technique for brainstorming both sides of the topic. Both approaches helped me to quickly organize ideas. As I practiced more, I got away from the suggested outlining and started to develop my own style, but the book’s structure gave me a strong foundation to start with. As far as the example essays in the back of the book, they are not written under a time constraint and are probably beyond what is possible to write under timed conditions. But the author acknowledges this and offers the essays as ideal examples for reference. Given that they are so well-crafted, I found them useful to read for structure and diction.
Posted by Palli at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Entrance Exams, Placement and Jobs
GMAT Exam Success in Only 5 Steps
Description: GMAT Exam Success in Only 5 Steps is a potent GMAT study tool. Test takers can learn effective problem-solving strategies tailored to each type of math and verbal question found on the GMAT, as well as how to tackle tough analytical essay prompts. Each of the book’s many sections is comprised of complete lessons on how to handle all 7 question types found on the official exam, along with over 250 practice questions and essay prompts. There are also complete and detailed answer explanations. The essential topics of time management and preparing a detailed, realistic study plan are covered as well. Straightforward advice from the pros covers topics like finding time to study, capitalizing on prime study time between work, school, and other time-consuming obligations, and smart methods for getting the most out of each study session.
Posted by Palli at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Entrance Exams, Placement and Jobs
Natural English: Reading and Writing Skills Resource Book Elementary level
Book Description:
A modern, speaking-centred general English course that helps students use language naturally.
size 4.177 MB.
Posted by Palli at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Entrance Exams, Placement and Jobs
Friday, January 30, 2009
Design of High Frequency Integrated Analogue Filters (IEE Circuits, Devices and Systems Series, 14)
This book brings together leading researchers to highlight recent advances and identify promising directions for future development. Motivated by the market for mobile and wireless communications, fully integrated analog filters for high-frequency applications are now receiving great interest world-wide. Chapters are dedicated to MOSFET-C and Gm-C filters, current-mode continuous-time filters, log-domain filters, switched-current filters, adaptive filters and on-chip automatic tuning. The topical nature of the book and caliber of the authors ensures that this book will be of wide interest to the electronics community world-wide.
Posted by Palli at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, electronics and communication
Selected Topics in Advanced Solid State and Fibre Optic Sensors
Product Description:
This book provides advanced students and practicing engineers with a selective tour of highlights in the topical field of sensors for measurement. The authors provide descriptions of the operation, characteristics and applications of the sensors on which they work, together with recent advances and prospects for the future.
Posted by Palli at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, electronics and communication
Big Java - 3 edition
No one brews up a better Java guide than Cay Horstmann and in this Third Edition of Big Java he's perfected his recipe. Thoroughly updated to include Java 6, the Third Edition of Horstmann's bestselling text helps you absorb computing concepts and programming principles, develop strong problem-solving skills, and become a better programmer, all while exploring the elements of Java that are needed to write real-life programs.
A top-notch introductory text for beginners, Big Java, Third Edition is also a thorough reference for students and professionals alike to Java technologies, Internet programming, database access, and many other areas of computer science.
Features of the Third Edition:
The 'Objects Gradual' approach leads you into object-oriented thinking step-by-step, from using classes, implementing simple methods, all the way to designing your own object-oriented programs.
A strong emphasis on test-driven development encourages you to consider outcomes as you write programming code so you design better, more usable programs
Helpful "Testing Track" introduces techniques and tools step by step, ensuring that you master one before moving on to the next
New teaching and learning tools in WileyPLUS--including a unique assignment checker that enables you to test your programming problems online before you submit them for a grade
Graphics topics are developed gradually throughout the text, conveniently highlighted in separate color-coded sections
Updated coverage is fully compatible with Java 5 and includes a discussion of the latest Java 6 features.
Posted by Palli at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computers/IT, Java
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
One of the attractions of fuzzy logic is its utility in solving many real engineering problems. As many have realised, the major obstacles in building a real intelligent machine involve dealing with random disturbances, processing large amounts of imprecise data, interacting with a dynamically changing environment, and coping with uncertainty. Neural-fuzzy techniques help one to solve many of these problems. Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems reflects the most recent developments in neural networks and fuzzy logic, and their application in intelligent systems. In addition, the balance between theoretical work and applications makes the book suitable for both researchers and engineers, as well as for graduate students.
Posted by Palli at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Electrical and Electronics, electronics and communication
Let us C - Yashavant Kanetkar
This was the first book that got me started off on C programming, and I would strongly recommend it, provided you don't mind overlooking the author's limited lingual skills and choice of words. (That's the only reason I have rated this with 4 stars instead of a full five.) The best parts of the book are the short concise examples, followed by some really interesting exercises: I would recommend that you do each and every problem listed in the exercises, since they help the beginner programmer to immediately apply the concepts learned, and thus permanently internalize them. The exercises themselves are very interesting and challenging and let you test your mettle. All in all, a very good _beginner_ level book to begin your career in C programming.
Posted by Palli at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computers/IT
Master the GMAT CAT
ARCO’s most comprehensive guide available for students preparing to take the GMAT CAT comes with an interactive CD-ROM that creates exams just like the real GMAT CAT. It even creates a new exam every time students use the software! Master the GMAT CAT, 2001 Edition, also offers updated tips and test-taking strategies, and a critical review of some of the best - and worst - ways to prepare for computer-adaptive standardized tests. ARCO also give students inside advice for how to deal with the analytical writing assessment portion of the GMAT, complete with sample essay questions and answers. Substantial practice for every type of GMAT question plus financial aid guidance gives readers the best total preparation available.
Posted by Palli at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Entrance Exams, Placement and Jobs
Monday, January 26, 2009
Data Compression: The Complete Reference - David Salomon
Data compression is one of the most important techniques in computing engineering. From archiving data to CD-ROMs and from coding theory to image analysis, many facets of computing make use of data compression in one form or another. This book is intended to provide an overview of the many different types of compression: it includes a taxonomy, an analysis of the most common systems of compression, discussion of their relative benefits and disadvantages, and their most common usages. Readers are presupposed to have a basic understanding of computer science: essentially the storage of data in bytes and bits and computing terminology, but otherwise this book is self-contained. The book divides naturally into four main parts based on the main branches of data compression: run length encoding, statistical methods, dictionary-based methods, and lossy image compression (where in contrast to the other techniques, information in the data may be lossed but an acceptable standard of image quality retained). Detailed descriptions of many of the most well-known compression techniques are covered including: Zip, BinHex, Huffman coding, GIF and many others.
DOWNLOAD: Link1/Link2/Link3
Posted by Palli at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computers/IT, Data Compression
Introduction to Data Compression - Khalid Sayood
Each edition of Introduction to Data Compression has widely been considered the best introduction and reference text on the art and science of data compression, and the third edition continues in this tradition. Data compression techniques and technology are ever-evolving with new applications in image, speech, text, audio, and video. The third edition includes all the cutting edge updates the reader will need during the work day and in class.
Khalid Sayood provides an extensive introduction to the theory underlying todays compression techniques with detailed instruction for their applications using several examples to explain the concepts. Encompassing the entire field of data compression Introduction to Data Compression, includes lossless and lossy compression, Huffman coding, arithmetic coding, dictionary techniques, context based compression, scalar and vector quantization. Khalid Sayood provides a working knowledge of data compression, giving the reader the tools to develop a complete and concise compression package upon completion of his book.
* New content added on the topic of audio compression including a description of the mp3 algorithm
* New video coding standard and new facsimile standard explained
* Completely explains established and emerging standards in depth including JPEG 2000, JPEG-LS, MPEG-2, Group 3 and 4 faxes, JBIG 2, ADPCM, LPC, CELP, and MELP
* Source code provided via companion web site that gives readers the opportunity to build their own algorithms, choose and implement techniques in their own applications.
Posted by Palli at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computers/IT, Data Compression
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools -
This book provides the foundation for understanding the theory and pracitce of compilers. Revised and updated, it reflects the current state of compilation. Every chapter has been completely revised to reflect developments in software engineering, programming languages, and computer architecture that have occurred since 1986, when the last edition published. The authors, recognizing that few readers will ever go on to construct a compiler, retain their focus on the broader set of problems faced in software design and software development. Computer scientists, developers, and aspiring students that want to learn how to build, maintain, and execute a compiler for a major programming language.
Posted by Palli at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Compilers, Computers/IT
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Computer and Communication Networks - Nader F. Mir
This essential reference begins by providing a solid foundation in TCP/IP schemes, wireless networking, Internet applications, and network security. The author then delves into the field’s analytical aspects and advanced networking protocols.
Students and researchers will find up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of fundamental and advanced networking topics, including:
Packet-switched networks and Internet Network protocols
LAN Protocols
Wireless Networks
Transport Protocols
Applications and Management
Network Security
Delay Analysis
High speed protocols
Voice over IP
Optical Networks
Multicasting Protocols
Compression of Voice and Video
Sensor/Mesh Networks
Network architecture books are often criticized for not offering enough practical, scenario-based information. Computer and Communication Networks provides an effective blend of theory and implementation not found in other books.
Posted by Palli at 5:54 PM 1 comments
Labels: Books, Computer Networks, Computers/IT
Computer Networks-A Systems Approach:- Larry L. Peterson Bruce S. Davie
omputer Networks, 4E is the only introductory computer networking book written by authors who have had first-hand experience with many of the protocols discussed in the book, who have actually designed some of them as well, and who are still actively designing the computer networks today.
This newly revised edition continues to provide an enduring, practical understanding of networks and their building blocks through rich, example-based instruction. The authors' focus is on the why of network design, not just the specifications comprising today's systems but how key technologies and protocols actually work in the real world to solve specific problems. The new edition makes less use of computer code to explain protocols than earlier editions. Moreover, this new edition shifts the focus somewhat higher in the protocol stack where there is generally more innovative and exciting work going on at the application and session layers than at the link and physical layers.
* Completely updated with new sidebar discussions that cover the deployment status of protocols described in the book.
* Addition of sizeable number of new exercises and solutions.
* Downloadable Opnet network simulation software and lab experiments manual.
* New and revised instructor support material, including Powerpoint slides, eps version of figures appearing in the text; sample exams; lecture notes; UNIX sockets programming assignments.
Posted by Palli at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computer Networks, Computers/IT
Data and Computer Communications - William Stallings
This timely revision of one of the all time best-selling Data Communications and Networking book features the clarity and scope of a Stallings classic. Ideal for professional reference or self-study, this comprehensive volume provides the most up-to-date coverage of the essential, need to know topics in data communications, networking, Internet technology and protocols, and standards. It emphasizes the critical role of performance in driving protocol and network design. Features a convenient modular format. This edition features a major expansion of wireless networking, network security, and related standards; as well as a new chapter on TCP/IP, and the latest developments in Quality of Service, and high speed LAN and WAN technology. Protocol Architecture. Data Transmission. Guided and Wireless Transmission. Signal Encoding Techniques. Digital Data Communication Techniques. Data Link Control. Multiplexing. Spread Spectrum. Circuit Switching and Packet Switching. Asynchronous Transfer Mode. Routing in Switched Networks. Congestion Control in Switched Data Networks. Cellular Wireless Networks. Local Area Network Overview. High-Speed LANs. Wireless LANs. Internetwork Protocols. Internetwork Operation. Transport Protocols. Network Security. Distributed Applications. For Product Development personnel, Programmers, Systems Engineers, Network Designers and others involved in the design of data communications and networking products.
Posted by Palli at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computer Networks, Computers/IT
Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures - Alberto Leon-Garcia, Indra Widjaja
Posted by Palli at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computer Networks, Computers/IT
Design of the UNIX Operating System
CONTENTS1. General Review of the System.
2. Introduction to the Kernel.
3. The Buffer Cache.
4. Internal Representation of Files.
5. System Calls for the File System.
6. The System Representation of Processes.
7. Process Control.
8. Process Scheduling and Time.9. Memory Management Policies.10. Interprocess Communication.
11. Multiprocessor Systems.
12. Distributed UNIX System.
Posted by Palli at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computers/IT, UNIX
Advanced UNIX Programming
Advanced UNIX Programming goes beyond the fundamentals of UNIX programming and presents information and techniques the readers needs to expand their knowledge base. Designed for professional UNIX programmers, this book builds on the skills and knowledge the reader already possesses. It includes coverage of internet processes, interprocess control, file system manipulation, synchronization, and much more.
Posted by Palli at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computers/IT, UNIX
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
Posted by Palli at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computers/IT, UNIX
Management Information Systems-Kenneth C. Laudon; Jane P. Laudon
Posted by Palli at 6:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Books, Computers/IT