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Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 - Pentium and Pentium Processor - Architecture, Programming and Interfacing

Description: Keeping readers on the forefront of technology, this timely book — offers a practical reference to all programming and interfacing aspects of the popular Intel family of microprocessors. Organized in an orderly — and manageable format that stimulates and challenges understanding, the book contains numerous example programs using the Microsoft MacroAssembler program, and provides a thorough description of each intelfamily member, memory systems, and various I/O systems. Topics include an introduction to the microprocessor and computer; the microprocessor and its architecture; addressing modes; data movement instructions; arithmetic and logic instructions; program control instructions; programming the microprocessor; using assembly language with c/c++; 8086/8088 hardware specifications; memory interface; basic I/O interface; interrupts; direct memory access and dma-controlled I/O; the arithmetic coprocessor and mmx technology; bus interface; the 80186, 80188, and 80286 microprocessor; the 80386 and 80468 microprocessor; the Pentium a and Pentium pro microprocessors; and the Pentium ii microprocessor.



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